LightGBM-Light Gradient Boosting Machine

Ashok kumar
4 min readSep 2, 2021


If you thought XGBoost was the best algorithm out there, think again. LightGBM is another type of boosting algorithm that has shown to be faster and sometimes more accurate than XGBoost. What makes LightGBM different is that it uses a unique technique called Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) to filter out the data instances to find a split value. This is different than XGBoost which uses pre-sorted and histogram-based algorithms to find the best split.

Structural Differences

Structural Differences in LightGBM & XGBoost LightGBM uses a novel technique of Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) to filter out the data instances for finding a split value while XGBoost uses pre-sorted algorithm & Histogram-based algorithm for computing the best split. Here instances mean observations/samples. First, let us understand how pre-sorting splitting works- For each node, enumerate over all features For each feature, sort the instances by feature value Use a linear scan to decide the best split along that feature basis information gain Take the best split solution along all the features In simple terms, Histogram-based algorithm splits all the data points for a feature into discrete bins and uses these bins to find the split value of histogram.

While, it is efficient than pre-sorted algorithm in training speed which enumerates all possible split points on the pre-sorted feature values, it is still behind GOSS in terms of speed. So what makes this GOSS method efficient? In AdaBoost, the sample weight serves as a good indicator for the importance of samples. However, in Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT), there are no native sample weights, and thus the sampling methods proposed for AdaBoost cannot be directly applied. Here comes gradient-basedsampling. Gradient represents the slope of the tangent of the loss function, so logically if gradient of data points are large in some sense, these points are important for finding the optimal split point as they have higher error GOSS keeps all the instances with large gradients and performs random sampling on the instances with small gradients.

For example, let’s say I have 500K rows of data where 10k rows have higher gradients. So my algorithm will choose (10k rows of higher gradient+ x% of remaining 490k rows chosen randomly).

Assuming x is 10%, total rows selected are 59k out of 500K on the basis of which split value if found. The basic assumption taken here is that samples with training instances with small gradients have smaller training error and it is already well-trained. In order to keep the same data distribution, when computing the information gain, GOSS introduces a constant multiplier for the data instances with small gradients. Thus, GOSS achieves a good balance between reducing the number of data instances and keeping the accuracy for learned decision trees.

LightGBM Documentation

Welcome to LightGBM’s documentation! — LightGBM documentation

Kaggle Competition

Gradient boosting decision tree(GBDT) is one of the top choices for kagglers and machine learning practitioners. Most of the best kernels and winning solutions on kaggle end up using one of the gradient boosting algorithm. It can be XGBoost, LightGBM or maybe some other optimized gradient boosting algorithm. So, in this blog, I will be talking about LightGBM and we will also get our hands dirty while implementing it on a dataset. Will try my best to keep this blog concise and complete

Installation and Implementation

Installation is pretty simple just run pip install lightgbm in your terminal.
Refer to this kaggle kernel to get an overview of the LightGBM and how to implement it plus you can learn how to use bayesian optimization I used for parameter tuning. Also, you can fork and upvote it if you like.

Training Data Format

Photo by Chase Kinney on Unsplash

LightGBM supports input data files with CSV, TSV and LibSVM (zero-based) formats.

Files could be both with and without headers.

Label column could be specified both by index and by name.

Some columns could be ignored.

Architecture :

LightGBM splits the tree leaf-wise as opposed to other boosting algorithms that grow tree level-wise. It chooses the leaf with maximum delta loss to grow. Since the leaf is fixed, the leaf-wise algorithm has lower loss compared to the level-wise algorithm. Leaf-wise tree growth might increase the complexity of the model and may lead to overfitting in small datasets.
Below is a diagrammatic representation of Leaf-Wise Tree Growth



Ashok kumar

Student | Data Science Intern | Data Science Enthusiast | Kaggle expert | blogger